Online registration for the June 2023 Summer Tech Academy is now closed.
Please send an email to the AoP Tech Team at [email protected] if you are interested in attending the in-person Summer Tech Academy.
Attendees will need to bring their own device (BYOD) and charger for the 2023 Summer Tech Academy.
(Laptops or Chromebooks are strongly recommended)
If you have any questions, please reach out to the AoP Tech Coaches at [email protected]
Please send an email to the AoP Tech Team at [email protected] if you are interested in attending the in-person Summer Tech Academy.
Attendees will need to bring their own device (BYOD) and charger for the 2023 Summer Tech Academy.
(Laptops or Chromebooks are strongly recommended)
If you have any questions, please reach out to the AoP Tech Coaches at [email protected]
Registration Information:
- The Summer Tech Academy will offer a mix of Interactive Learning Sessions (50 minutes in length), as well as Lab Learning Sessions (100 minutes in length) on both days for K-12 educators. The Session Board and a link to full session descriptions are below.
- Registration will be done online through a Google Form. Educators will be prompted to pre-register for their selected sessions for both days of the Summer Tech Academy.
- For those interested in Act 48 credit, twelve (12) hours will be offered. There is a separate registration for Act 48 via the AoP Wisdomwhere platform.
- Please note: To be eligible for Act 48 credit, attendees must register for and attend the full two-day academy. No partial credit will be offered.
- Act 48 eligible registration must be completed in full by Wednesday, June 14th.
- Attendees will receive one STEM device of their choice. Each of the devices has been aligned with a Summer Tech Academy STEM Learning path. Please register no later than May 17th to guarantee your selection.
- Registration for the in-person academy is on a first come, first served basis. A waitlist will become available once registration is filled.